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Biology News

The Department of Biology at the University of Oregon offers expertise and research opportunities in a wide range of disciplines including neuroscience, genetics, cell and developmental biology, evolution, ecology, and marine biology. The mission of the organization is to recognize and support academic excellence in the biological sciences and encourage undergraduate research, primarily through undergraduate research awards and conferences. Using cutting-edge live-cell imaging approaches, the Hayer lab investigates how cells coordinate with each other during collective cell migration. Our faculty actively pursue extramural funding to support research programs that also train undergraduate students who act as collaborators in the development of that research.

The centrality of evolution and its organizing, unifying properties made its way into textbooks of evolution that reached both secondary school and university level students, bolstering the discipline of evolutionary biology and its inclusion into the biological sciences curriculum; this was increasingly the case all over the world. The Apfeld Lab seeks to dissect the interplay between redox processes and age-dependent changes in tissue function in the nematode C. elegans, in order to shed light on the association between the dysregulation of the cellular redox environment and many human diseases of aging.

Undergraduate students majoring in Biology have the opportunity to specialize in areas of particular interest by selecting from four different concentrations: Biology of Global Health, Cell & Molecular Biology, Integrative Biology, and Science Education. We provide undergraduate and graduate students access to the full breadth of the exciting and dynamic fields within the biological sciences. Examples of legal careers for biology graduates include roles in patenting, where understanding of specific scientific and technical features would help.

You can specialise in the strands of biology that interest you most, such as microbiology and biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, or ecology and evolution. On this module you’ll attend lectures, practical classes and workshops, supervised time in a studio or workshop and take part in guided independent study. The Bell Lab is currently extending laboratory investigations of experimental evolution to field scales at the Gault Nature Reserve.

Ecological systems are studied at several different levels, from the scale of the ecology of individual organisms, to those of populations , to the ecosystems and finally the biosphere The term population biology is often used interchangeably with population ecology , although population biology is more frequently used in the case of diseases , viruses , and microbes , while the term population ecology is more commonly applied to the study of plants and animals.

With excellent leadership, a strong and growing faculty, and modern facilities Biological Sciences at RPI is poised to tackle real-world molecular problems. There are a range of options that fall under the term ‘human biology’, including physiology, biochemistry and cell biology. A basic biology definition would be is that it is the study of living organisms. Bucknell’s biology department has access to the deep resources of a research-focused institution, including an imaging center with an environmental scanning electron microscope, advanced molecular biology and physiology labs that include DNA sequencing and typing capabilities, an animal behavior facility housing four species of primates, an herbarium with 20,000 plants and an on-campus farm.

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